3 Ballerina HERBAL TEA


Ballerina tea, also known as 3 Ballerina tea, is a dieter’s tea product that is mostly grown in China. It is taken for banishing body fat and losing weight. Ballerina tea is made up of Chinese mallow and senna, which are basically two herbs that function as active ingredients. This tea is usually taken by those who are dreaming of a fitter body and a healthier lifestyle in the future

Are you in search of an excellent herbal tea that will cleanse your body, fight harmful diseases and help you achieve the body of your dreams? If you nodded to that, then you have to try California’s best weight loss tea, Ballerina tea. Not only is this drink known for cutting down body fat, but it is also ideal for people who are trying to lose weight!

THIS product contain Cassia  Angustifolia  Senna

Read and fellow directions carefully


Diarrhea loose stools or abdominal pain because senna may worsen these  conditions and be harmful to your health, consult your physician if you are have frequent diarrhea or if  you are  pregnant  ,nursing ,taking medication cautions Not Recommended for children under 12 years of age


Aloe Blossom Herbal Tea


Aloe Blossom Herbal Tea® is a natural blend of leaves, herbs and spices, specially prepared to provide an outstanding flavor and a rich aroma. Caffeine-free, it has been formulated to leave you feeling revitalized. Whether you drink it hot or prefer it iced, Aloe Blossom Herbal Tea® has a great taste and is easy to prepare.


For hot tea, use one tea bag per cup. Add boiling water and brew 3-5 minutes before removing tea bag. For iced tea (one quart), pour 2 cups of boiling water over 4 tea bags and brew 3-5 minutes. Remove tea bags, add 2 cups of cold water and chill.


Cinnamon, orange peel, cloves, blackberry leaf, allspice, fennel, ginger, cardamom, aloe blossoms, gymnema sylvestre, camomile.


Anti-Typhoid Herbal Tea


Anti Typhoid  tea is indicated for the prevention and treatment of Typhoid . It is used to alleviate the symptoms like headache, fever, cold, dizziness caused by these diseases. In the digestive tract it fight food poisoning and diseases like Typhoid, Cholera and Dysentery.


B.P Normalizer Tea


The BP Normalizer Tea have been proven scientifically to help Lower and Normalise High Blood Pressure while also Cutting Cholesterol and Reducing Sugar Level in the system.

It has the highest international certifications of approval, CGMP (Certificate Good Manufacturing Practices), HACCP, Healthcare Food Production License, QS.

It is manufactured by the biggest and professional tea bags manufacturer in China that has passed GMP and ISO9001 etc.

The BP Normalizer Tea contains 30 tea bags in each pack and it is made from 100% herbal extract that has no side effects at all.

The “secret weapon” of this BP Normalizer Tea is that it contains herbal plant extract that after many centuries, science have shown that these herbs helps lower blood pressure,promotes shockingly powerful heart-health, reduces blood sugar, and even has anti-aging benefits!

The ingredients of the BP Normalizer are 3 of Nature’s Most Potent and Heart Friendly Herbs ie

  •  Wild Apocynum Venetum(Dogbane),
  • Du Zhong,
  • And Hawthorn.

These are rare hard-to-find herbs that can only be gotten in some specific countries and regions.

And to prove it that these herbs are highly effective, here’s a little more background check on some of the herbs that the BP Normalizer Tea contains:


Biogenic Health Fitness Biogenic Chinese Green Tea

BIOGENIC Chinese Green Tea is a brand of carefully selected, handpicked matured leaves. Unlike most brands available, they are whole leaves and fragmented leaves.They are specially prepared to preserve the active ingredients. It’s effects on the control of body weight, diabetes, arthritis, cold and flu, Heart attack, Stroke, Cancer, aging, allergic reactions and mouth odour are immeasurable.
This product is a herbal green tea. This green tea is known to boost metabolism and keep the body healthy. This product will be a wonderful addition to your diet.

Bladder Control Tea for Women™*


Bladder Control Tea for Women™*

  • Supports the female urinary tract with a delicious blend of herbs.*
  • Provides natural support for women dealing with urinary incontinence and frequency.*
  • Has a cleansing effect on the entire urinary tract.*
  • This multi-herb tea has a slightly sweet, citrus flavor, making it an enjoyable part of your morning routine. No sugar needed.*
  • Must help or money refunded.*
Urinary incontinence can be embarrassing and emotionally stressful, which can eventually lead to isolation and depression. There are over 20 million people in North America living with incontinence. Women, old and young, make up 85% of that statistic.* If you are one of the many women dealing with urinary incontinence, Bell Lifestyle’s Bladder Control Tea for Women is the perfect natural solution to help end those sleepless nights and days of isolation.* With Bladder Control Tea for Women, you get a masterful blend of herbs to help you maintain control of your bladder and most importantly your life.*

Suggested Use: Adult Females: Drink 1 cup of tea, twice daily. Once you have attained the desired results, drink 1 cup of tea daily for maintenance. Use 2 teaspoons of dried tea to one cup of water.*

PREPARATION: Measure enough water into a pot for the number of large cups (approx. 8 oz/250 ml) you want to make and add 2 heaping teaspoons per cup. Add 25% more water to compensate for evaporation. Make enough for a few days if you like. When you scoop out the tea, scoop deep down into the bag to make sure the tea is kept well mixed. Example: If you want to prepare 4 cups of tea, measure 5 cups of water and 8 heaping teaspoons of tea. Heat on the stove until boiling, then turn stove off or set to low and allow to simmer for 10 minutes. After the stove is turned off, stir and allow the tea to cool, then strain into a pitcher. For best results, let it soak for a few hours or overnight before straining. Store the pitcher in the refrigerator and drink the tea cold or re-heated. You can put some in a thermos to take along with you to work. The tea has a pleasing aroma. The tea tastes great without sugar or sweeteners. If you prefer a sweeter tasting tea, try a little bit of stevia, xylitol, or honey. Do not prepare the tea by pouring hot water over it, as this will not give you the full benefit.


Detox Bitter Tea


Nozie Detox Bitter Tea is a 100% blend of premium quality herbs well formulated for general body cleansing. It reduces free radicals and removes harmful toxins in the body, thereby boosting immunity and help the body to resist diseases.
Nozie Detox Bitter Tea also serves as a protector and cleanser for the digestive system.

Aloe Vera
Allium Sativa
Cinnamonium officinalis
Azadirachta indica
Sacchurum officarium
Moringa oleifera



Eye Bright Herbal Tea

Key Features
  • Clears Blurred Vision.
  • Clears Dim Vision & Red eyes.
  • Brightens the eyes.
  • Helps against visual disturbances.
  • Nourishes the kidneys & the liver.
  • Refreshes the heart
All Natural Eye Bright Herbal Tea is naturally prepared to clear blurred vision,  Dim vision, swelling , red eyes and sore. With visual disturbances and tears. Eye Bright is specially prepared to clear all. Eye Bright Natural Tea contains all wild crafted herbs and based on constant use will benefit the liver, nourish the kidney, refresh the heart and brighten the eyes.

Ezee Flow Tea® for Men


Ezee Flow Tea® for Men*

  • Formulated with a blend of effective herbs to support male urinary tract health.*
  • Addresses urinary frequency and discomfort in a natural way.*
  • An easy-brew herbal tea, bulk-packaged to save you money.*
  • Tastes delicious hot or cold – something you’ll look forward to as part of your morning routine.*
  • Must help or money refunded – Return unused portion within 90 days for a full refund (minus shipping and handling)*
Do you find yourself making frequent trips to the bathroom every half hour, day and night due to urinary frequency? If you are one of the forty million men dealing with increased urinary frequency, Bell Lifestyle’s Ezee Flow Tea is the perfect natural solution to help ease the flow and normalize urinary frequency without the burning and dribbling.*
Ezee Flow Tea was developed by Bell Lifestyle’s founder Nick Jerch to help those dealing with the burning and dribbling effects of urinary issues. In fact, before he shared this masterful formula, it was first created for his own personal use.*
Ezee Flow Tea’s special formulation consists of twelve herbs, including cranberry and chamomile that are not only effective together, but also taste great!*
Your time, sleep, and comfort are valuable; don’t give them up any longer with frequent bathroom trips! Try Ezee Flow Tea today!*
Results may vary from one person to another.

Suggested Use: Adult Males: Drink 1 cup of tea, twice daily. After the desired results have been attained, drink 1 cup of tea daily for maintenance.

PREPARATION: Measure enough water into a pot for the number of large cups (approx. 8 oz / 250 ml) you want to make and add 2 heaping teaspoons for each cup. Add 25% more water to compensate for evaporation. Make enough for a few days if you like. When you scoop out the tea, scoop deep down into the bag to make sure the tea is kept well mixed. Example: If you want to prepare 4 cups of tea, measure 5 cups of water and 8 heaping teaspoons of tea. Heat on the stove until boiling, then turn stove off or set to low and allow to simmer for 10 minutes. After the stove is turned off, stir and allow the tea to cool, then strain into a pitcher. For best results let it soak for a few hours or overnight before straining. Store the pitcher in the refrigerator and drink the tea cold or re-heated. You can put some in a thermos to take along with you to work. The tea has a pleasing aroma. Ezee Flow Tea® tastes great without sugar or sweeteners. If you prefer a sweeter tasting tea, try a little bit of stevia, xylitol, or honey. Do not prepare the tea by pouring hot water over it, as this will not give you the full benefit


Fibroid Removal Herbal Tea

Key Features
  • Remove Fibroid
  • Pure Herbs
  • Tea
Great Fibroid Removal Herbal Tea

Ginseng Tea 15g


Ginseng exhibits effects which improve erectile dysfunction, boosts sex drive and improves sexual performance for women and men. Ginseng has been used in the orient for thousands of years for improving sexual performance and general health.




Buy Glen Black Tea 45g x 25 on onigbindestores. A cup of tea works wonders in waking up your senses. Whatever kind of tea you like, we’ve got it – green tea, black tea, ginger tea, herbal tea, camomile tea. Drinking tea has many health benefits. Just choose your favourite tea, pour in some hot water and it’s ready to drink. If you like specialty teas, then you’re in the right place as well.


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