3 Ballerina HERBAL TEA
Ballerina tea, also known as 3 Ballerina tea, is a dieter’s tea product that is mostly grown in China. It is taken for banishing body fat and losing weight. Ballerina tea is made up of Chinese mallow and senna, which are basically two herbs that function as active ingredients. This tea is usually taken by those who are dreaming of a fitter body and a healthier lifestyle in the future
Are you in search of an excellent herbal tea that will cleanse your body, fight harmful diseases and help you achieve the body of your dreams? If you nodded to that, then you have to try California’s best weight loss tea, Ballerina tea. Not only is this drink known for cutting down body fat, but it is also ideal for people who are trying to lose weight!
THIS product contain Cassia Angustifolia Senna
Read and fellow directions carefully
Diarrhea loose stools or abdominal pain because senna may worsen these conditions and be harmful to your health, consult your physician if you are have frequent diarrhea or if you are pregnant ,nursing ,taking medication cautions Not Recommended for children under 12 years of age
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